Grade 6 Term 2 Mathematics and Language Arts

Categories: Grade 6
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What Will You Learn?

  • At the end pf the term, students should be able to:
  • Mathematics
  • List all prime factors of a given number.
  • Write a composite number as a product of: (a) Primes (b)Primes in exponential form.
  • Identify the Highest Common Factor (H.C.F) of two numbers.
  • Differentiate between multiples and factors.
  • Use substitution in formulae, algebraic sentences and inequalities in problem solving.
  • Use operational symbols to complete number sentences.
  • Substitute a number for a variable in a mathematical sentence with up to two variables.
  • Identify shapes that will cover a plane exactly and those that will not.
  • Differentiate between the size and use of the following units: square centimetre, square metre, hectare and square kilometre.
  • Name and measure regions, compute the area of regions shaped as rectangles and right-angled triangles individually, in combination or as the surfaces or three-dimensional objects.
  • Solve problems involving area measures.
  • Identify and count the number of lines of symmetry in compound plane figures.
  • Describe congruence in plane and solid shapes.
  • Distinguish between similar and congruent figures (triangles and quadrilaterals).
  • Develop the idea of a ‘unit solid’.
  • Calculate the volume of a rectangular prism when given the number of unit solids in one layer and the number of layers.
  • Investigate and use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism to solve problems.
  • Identify the reciprocal of a whole number or fractional number.
  • Use the four basic operations to compute with fractional numbers.
  • Use ratio to compute quantities.
  • Write a ratio to compare the number of items in two sets or two parts of a single set.
  • Write a ratio using the formats 1:5, 1 to 5, or 1/5.
  • Write equivalent ratios for a given ratio.
  • Solve problems which require the use of equivalent ratios.
  • Apply the concept of ratio to percentage forms and use the symbol % correctly.
  • Tell what percentage of a set or object is shown.
  • Write percentage as a fraction with a denominator of 100, or, in its simplest form and/or as a decimal.
  • Solve problems requiring the conversion of fractions to percentages and vice versa.
  • Recognize that 100% is a whole.
  • Express one number as a percentage of another number that is a multiple of 10. (Measurement and money may be used.)
  • Calculate a given percentage of a number, amount of money, measure of mass, capacity etc.
  • Calculate the entire amount when the percentage of a number is known. (Multiples of 5)
  • Solve problems requiring the use of percentages.
  • Explore how a coordinate system identifies a location and uses the first quadrant of Cartesian plane to plot points.
  • Divide a fraction, mixed number or decimal fraction by a whole number.
  • Divide a whole number by a fractional number.
  • Divide a decimal fraction by a power of 10.
  • Divide a decimal fraction by another decimal fraction to two or three places of decimal.
  • Solve problems involving the division of fractional numbers.
  • Compute with whole numbers, common and decimal fractions using the four operations.
  • Language Arts
  • Generate and answer questions from implicit and explicit information viewed.
  • Share interpretations of words used in context.
  • Use analogies and other word relationships, including synonyms and antonyms, to determine the meaning.
  • Compare and contrast setting and plot in different stories read.
  • Distinguish facts from opinions.
  • Distinguish between declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences.
  • Practice using various tenses: present, past, future, continuous, past perfect).
  • Use singular and plural nouns in different contexts.
  • Construct questions using interrogative pronouns within the appropriate context.
  • Use demonstrative pronouns appropriately in written and oral sentences.
  • Apply stages of the writing process in producing a range of written pieces.
  • Write with increasing awareness of story elements.
  • Use persuasive language to convince the reader.
  • Compose business letters using appropriate lay out of text and content.
  • Use transitional words to write in sequence and order.
  • Begin to organize information located from various sources.
  • Organize information located from various sources.